Explore Miami’s Natural Beauty: National Public Gardens’ Day is Friday

When many think of Miami, they often imagine sunny beaches, half-naked babes, and excessive partying. Unfortunately, botanical gardens are not up on list of elements typically associated with the Magic City; neither is natural beauty.

But, as most that have visited the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens or the Vizcaya Museum & Gardens will say, these preserved botanical spaces are spectacular.

Rich with history, art, architecture, design, and culture, public gardens provide the city with more than just a tour of the local, tropical vegetation. With some of the most serene, awe-striking natural landscapes and groundbreaking architecture in the city, Miami’s public gardens host culinary events; art fairs and residency programs; flower, fruit, or vegetable festivals, and a variety of horticultural classes.

They also provide a refuge from hectic city life, a breathing space where people can reconnect with themselves in nature; for this reason, public gardens have a significant function in the community……  Keep reading ” Explore Miami’s Natural Beauty: National Public Gardens Day is Friday” on the miamiartzine.com.

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